(Written on Tuesday, 11/11)
Went to Mall on Sunday with Munibah and si Duan (menghayal). We watched Madagascar 2 which turned out to be stupidly hilarious.
There was a whole rombongan of annoying little kiddies watching it too. And to make matters even better (not), we were forced to sit in row L. For those who seldom go to the cinema, that’s the row at the very front, nearest to the screen. I had to crane my neck just to be able to see the bottom half of the screen.
Oh well, at least no one kicked the back of my chair or spilt their drink on me and there were those metal bars for me to put my legs up on. Good enough for me, since the movie was free.
Then I slept over at Mun’s because we both have nothing better to do. She made me watch Titanic with her… again. I’m sorry, but watching a frostbitten Leonardo DiCaprio die over and over again gets a bit old after some time.
“Jack, come back, come back!”
And… I wanna buy a new phone! A pink one. Nokia. I’m sick of Samsung. They’re pretty, yeah, but stupid.
Behold, the 6120! Only B$300 xP
I was thinking of buying this month’s Seventeen magazine until I saw who’s on the cover. Ashley Tisdale. Nuh-uh, Miley Cyrus I can stand but not Ashley Tisdale.
I finally got some quality time with my Simmies ^^ I think something wack is going on with it though.
- Neighbours (2 in particular) keep popping up in random places in my house and then mysteriously disappearing.
- My family's teenage daughter Alexis brought home a toddler(!) from school.
- My family’s wife/mom Evangeline brought home some really pregnant lady from work. I didn’t think there was anything wrong with that until I realized pregnant women don’t go to work.
And in other news…
- Every one of my 8 tomato plants didn't survive the winter and died before I could harvest them *le pout*
- My pet dog Mirabelle now goes to work in a limo.
- Social services took away my family's twin kids Seth and Vanessa after they accidentally froze to death making snowmen. This was followed by me not saving my game.
- And my dog makes almost as much money as my family's husband/father Luke. Remind me next time that a career in medicine is a sucky choice for a Sim.
I think I have a picture of my Sim house around here somewhere. It was Malcolm Landgraab’s mansion in Bluewater Village. That is, until I decided I wanted it so I evicted him, remodelled it and moved my family in.
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