Cute widdle chewwies.
Download Google Chrome here, and get yourself colourful Chrome themes here! Lol I'm such a fanatic Google Chrome evangelist. But it's the only browser that's fast and doesn't hang on my poor laggy computer so... much choice, I do not have.
Using my helpful friend Google to find a way to download Facebook videos so I can upload the videos Jesnie took at Nick's house into my next blog post. I'm so thankful to her for recording videos, now I'll have visual memories of Nick for life!
I dunno what's happening to me, but I've hopped on the Facebook bandwagon again. Gotten back up on the Facebook horse. This is weird, I'd abandoned Facebook for so long. Is it good to be back? I'll probably be gone again in a few days hahah.
Exam results were not bad :) I got 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6... this is assuming I credited Add Maths la. I know I shouldn't assume (y'know, ass of u and me and stuff like that), but it makes my grades sound so much cuter!
No A's <=( Now I really wish I'd been less careless in my Physics practical cause I missed out on an A in Physics by just 1 mark! But overall it's a HUGE improvement over last year's Mid-Year Exam and I'm a happy camper.